Couponing Success Coach

Couponing Success Coach

Thursday, February 4, 2010

What Is Your Smile Saying?

Beloved, put a smile on your face. “A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance....” (Proverbs 15:13) How are you going to attract a happy man if you are always frowning? They may start to think that you are a bitter woman, and avoid you. We look so much better when we smile, not to mention that men are attracted to a woman's smile. Don't believe me? I was doing some research online to find out what attracts men to women, and if I was correct about the *smiling*...
Here's a snipet of one of the articles I came across, written by a man . The article was called, “What Do Men Find Attractive In A Women?”

1.)The SMILE of A Woman
"This is one of the most important traits that most men look for and get attracted to in a woman. The right smile releases all those love hormones in a man and his mind pretty much gets set on that. Most men on visualize a women's smile when they think about them. The smile of a women is like a magnet which can draw the man's attention and keep it there."

At #1 our SMILES. Ladies, we look better when we smile. Practice smiling more often throughout the day. I have an experiment I would like you to try. The next time you leave to go out of the house, if it be going to the grocery store, or the laundry mat, come back to the house and look at your significant other and greet him by sayin hello and then smile. (If you just had an argument with your mate, beloved try this at another time when everything is at peace) Then try to have a conversation and randomly smile in the middle of the conversation. Come back to me, and tell me what happens?

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