Couponing Success Coach

Couponing Success Coach

Thursday, December 15, 2011

10 Reasons SAHMS Should Start A Child Care During A Recession

1. Despite all talk of downsizing and tough times, people will always require some form of childcare because people will always need to work to make ends meet.

2. Offset your expenses against your taxes and save on transportaion cost. No more commute to work.

3. You get to be the boss and make all of the decisions that will benefit your family.

4. The earning potential is unlimited. There are no salary caps on your income with having you own business.

5. You can take vacations whenever you want without having to ask approval from anyone else or coordinate with other employees.

6. You can't get downsized if you own a home business. Sure, nothing is guaranteed when you are a entrpreneur but with a regular job if you get laid off, it may take months befor someone hires you. With your own business you can always start at any time, day or night.

7. Child Care Assistance Programs help low income families afford child care cost. Which is a benefit for you because these parents will not have to pay out of pocket.

8. Child Care Food Programs can also reinburse you for meals you prepare for child care children.

9. You will know that your children are bing cared for by someone who is going to be around for a long time. You'll be there to see all those "firsts" which can be incredibly satisfying.

10. Tax Write Offs! Tax Write Offs! Tax Write Offs!

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