Couponing Success Coach

Couponing Success Coach

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Prepare Yourself For A Real Man

This blog site is for ladies seeking to improve their relationships, and heavenly relationship here on Earth. One of the things that many ladies have told me is "I want to have a serious relationship and I want to get married and settle down.” However, one of the major factors that I keep seeing is ladies (CHASING) after the man. The word says Whoso findeth a wife, findeth a good thing…..(Proverbs 18:22) The key word here is FINDETH. Ladies let him find you, please stop searching and doing extra to try and be seen. The true man of God that you desire is not looking for a lady in her myspace picture with her legs open. Im keepin it REAL. He wants a WOMEN.

Yes he desires you to sensual and sexy but all in the right timing. In the bed of marriage. What a WONDERFUL thing I might add. (Lol) God has put this whole thing in order, and when we do it His way, no man can come between your relationship, because it is established and ordained by God himself. The key point that I want to make is while you’re waiting on Mr. Right, dig in your Word and allow God to show you who you should be as a women of God. Prepare yourself for the man that God has in store for you. Learn the characteristics of a good wife and women of God. Practice submission NOW, before you get that ring. Submission is so much more than saying yes. Are you willing to respect the man that God is going to place in your life by following him and supporting him even if you don’t agree? Don’t ask for a man of God your not willing to follow…… But this is all apart of submission ladies….. See what I mean? Ask God to get your hearts right now. I desire for you to have a Heavenly marriage here on Earth, and if that means given it to you real, SO BE IT…..

God Bless You


  1. Facebook Response from Sharon Miner:

    I just want to know what does this mean for women who walked up to a guy and now they have kids together but their is a possibility that they should be together. Are you saying that just because a women walks up to a guy and they end up in a relationship that this relationship will never work? Just wondering you know it just doesn't make sense

  2. Hi Sharon,

    This blog is about single women who don't have a man yet..... but desire to be in a Godly relationship. What I'm saying is if you are single, and your desire is to be with a Godly man...the Biblical way to approach it would be to prepare, and allow the Godly man to find you.

    So, I'm not saying "Just because a women walks up to a guy and they end up in a relationship that this relationship would never work."
    The relationship can work if it is the Lord's Will. However,if someone is currently in a relationship, they already passed the intial stage of "approaching."

    My purpose of this blog is to teach women how to avoid some of the mistakes that I have made, and allow the man to approach them. Now, that I've learned the biblical way to approach relationships, I don't mind sharing the
    knowledge that Christ has given me.

