Couponing Success Coach

Couponing Success Coach

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Topic: Creative Ways to Edify Your Husband ( For Married Women, Single Ladies I Got U Covered It's Coming Soon!!!!!!)

It's important to encourage your husband and esteem him.

1. Remind him of who God created him to be.
Example: “You are a great man of God, and I love how God created you.” Then name off some characteristics of your mate. “You're strong and masculine and love the way you're......”
Be creative ladies. It's o.k. If you write it down, make it sincere from the heart don't be fake or phony. When is the last time you told your husband he is great man of God? Beloved, if it's been a while it's not to late to start now.

2. Flirt with your husband.
Sometimes, just saying sweet things like you look so handsome, and batting my eyes at my husband changes the entire mood: from “stressful week” to “let's have fun.” You know what your husband likes. In the event that you don't just ask him? It's o.k to ask, “Honey do you like when I???????” (CAUTION: THIS IS NOT FOR SINGLE WOMEN!) Wives, be direct with your husband....if he says no, I don't like when you..... Then politely ask him what do you like? Allow him to tell you, and then start to flirt with him in this manner, as long as it does not violate the scriptures!

3. Show public affection.
Holding hands with your husband can be a gentle reminder that I want to stay connected with you, and I want the world to see it.

4. Tell your husband that you support him.
A man hearing from his wife that he is supported goes a long way. Now, beloved don't just say you support him if your not following him. Make up your mind that your going to be his helpmeet, and help meet his needs and support him.

5. Ask him is there any area I can improve as your wife? What!?!??!?
Beloved, this is an important question for your marriage. Listen to what he says, this gives your husband the opportunity to express his true feelings. Make it your goal to change accordingly. If you decide to ask this question to your mate, he may have a list of areas he feels you should improve. Beloved pray before you ask this question so you won't leave the discussion hurt or offended. This is one of those answers where your husband is probably going to be brutally honest. However, I'm not asking you to try this to harm you. If you become an affective listener and try to improve in the areas he mentions, this can ultimately improve your marriage.

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